Saturday, March 01, 2014

Days 47 - 49 Waking up with the sun in my eyes

Lovely to be back here even with the rainy weather this weekend.

I intended to go to practice Wednesday but jet lag got me and I decided to listen to my body. I ate dinner and passed out at the very late hour of 9:30.

But that left me ready to go Thursday morning - it had rained the night before so there were some giant puddles as obstacles on my route but otherwise was excellent to be back in the land where people actually make eye-contact, smile and say good morning!

I took the day off Friday, and started my day with a run in the rain. I timed it rather poorly - about 12 minutes into my 40 minute run the rain stopped leaving me soggy for the rest of my run. It was warm and quite fun in the rain while it lasted tho - one feels pretty tough when running in the pouring rain.

And today, the giant waves kept me occupied as I ran down the beach. The sky has been amazing, clouds alternating with crazy beams of sun, and the surfing was super fun to watch. I took my post-run-coffee over to the pier and stretched while watching the guys have at it. I'm not sure how tall the waves were feet-wise but they looked GIANT and there were some crazy guys out killing it at the pier.

My love affair with California continues...and this song pretty much sums it up - enjoy!

Day 47: 3.6 miles
Day 48: 3.4 miles
Day 49: 3.7 miles
season mileage to date: 91.2 miles

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