Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 71: Sunday Sixer

I got back from NYC yesterday and was totally and utterly beat.

Maybe I've grown soft from living away from the grind. Maybe it was just a rough week. Maybe it was all the fine wine. But whatever it was, by the time I got back to my lovely little apt, all I could do was...more or less nothing.

Within 5 minutes of arrival I was in my bathing suit and headed out to the beach. However, it was a bit too windy and chilly so I only lasted a little less than an hour. I came back, looked in the fridge and knew I was going to have to hit the grocery store. I wandered around Whole Foods, making a concerted effort not to buy too many random things since I didn't have a list and then enjoyed my ride home, beach traffic and all - who cares when the sun is shining down?

I proceeded to catch up on bad TV, eat a lazy dinner of bread, triple cream cheese, grapes and gelato and passed out by 10:30pm.

There was no way I was going to make practice at 7:30 all the way across town so I planned to run on my own.

I got up around 7:30 and suited up, grabbed a bottle of water for my fuel belt and headed out.
I started with intervals but it kind of backfired - I was running way too hard during my running times and the run was feeling not awesome. So on the way back I took the pace down, ditched the intervals and finished in a good way - slow and steady.

Damn, it's good to be back in Cali.

day 71 mileage: 6.1 miles
season mileage to date: 143.0 miles

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