Sunday, February 02, 2014

Day 24: Solo long run

I kept my plan to skip practice and run my own. Practice was going to start at 8, and I knew it would be at least 9:30 before I got out of there and that was not going to work since I was behind schedule before I even got up. Peeps were coming over at 2, and I had to clean...pretty much everything as well as hit the farmers market and get some cookin' on.

I had mapped out my three miles the night before and headed out. The cloud was full of puffy clouds and the sun was breaking through. I made a concerted effort to run at a slower pace although I confess I'm having a hard time telling the difference between a 10:30 and an 11 minute mile at the moment. In truth I should probably be taking my long runs even slower, more like an 11:30. A three mile "long" run is whatever - when we get to 8 and 10 and more, a mile a minute is going to make a big difference.

The run was a touch wheezy but other than that felt pretty good. about two and a half miles in I thought about if I felt like I could run 4 and that seemed...a stretch. But by the time I got close to finishing my legs got a second wind and another mile didn't seem as impossible.

today's run:  3.0 miles
season mileage to date: 37.8 miles

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